Asantys Solar Systems

Solarize your life!

ASER300 Sénégal : programme de stage enrichissant

ASER300 Sénégal : programme de stage enrichissant 981 736 Asantys Solar Systems

Publié : 15.02.2024 🌟 Célébration d’un succès : Nous sommes ravis de partager l’achèvement réussi d’un programme de stage enrichissant dans les régions de Kolda, Natam et Louga au Sénégal…

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Mise en service réussie en Éthiopie

Mise en service réussie en Éthiopie 1020 765 Asantys Solar Systems

Publié : 15.03.2024 Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer une étape importante dans notre mission visant à apporter des solutions énergétiques durables aux communautés dans le besoin. Début mars 2024, en partenariat…

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Asantys offers e-mobility, solar powered cooling & water purification: a paradigm shift towards sustainability

Asantys offers e-mobility, solar powered cooling & water purification: a paradigm shift towards sustainability 1024 576 Asantys Solar Systems

Published: 29.02.2024 In the quest for sustainability, integrating decentralised renewable energy (DRE) is revolutionising industries around the world, taking them to new levels of efficiency, economy and environmental responsibility. The…

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Solar solutions for a sustainable future: Asantys Systems’ commitment to UN SDGs.

Solar solutions for a sustainable future: Asantys Systems’ commitment to UN SDGs. 2560 1535 Asantys Solar Systems

Last updated: 08.01.2024 At Asantys Systems, our commitment to a sustainable future is not just a mission statement; it is a tangible, multi-faceted reality. This commitment was recently spotlighted in…

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The Synergy of Productive Use of Renewable Energy in Rural Electrification, Cooperatives, and C&I.

The Synergy of Productive Use of Renewable Energy in Rural Electrification, Cooperatives, and C&I. 1280 720 Asantys Solar Systems

Last updated: 08.01.2024 In rural communities in Africa, where grid infrastructure is often lacking or unreliable, access to electricity remains a major challenge. The development of solar minigrids has emerged…

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Asantys, founding partner and shareholder of AfricroozE.

Asantys, founding partner and shareholder of AfricroozE. 537 334 Asantys Solar Systems

Published: 30.11.2023 🚴‍♂️ We would like to share with you a new endeavour we are taking part on:Asantys Systems GmbH is one of the founding partners and shareholders of AfricroozE – The…

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Journey from Germany to Senegal: Overcoming Challenges.

Journey from Germany to Senegal: Overcoming Challenges. 1280 720 Asantys Solar Systems

Published: 03.11.2023 The past few months have been a whirlwind of activity for us! 📸 Our latest solar systems, part of the ASER300 project, were meticulously packed and prepared for…

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