Last updated: 08.01.2024
At Asantys Systems, our commitment to a sustainable future is not just a mission statement; it is a tangible, multi-faceted reality. This commitment was recently spotlighted in our presentation at the ARE I4E webinar on « DRE Impacts on SDGs » (14/12/2023), where we unveiled the intricate web of our initiatives in pursuit of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Asantys Systems’ commitment to UN SDGs
From sun to solutions: focused on SDG 7
Our journey begins with SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, the cornerstone of our operations. We support the renewable energy revolution, promoting solar energy as more than a power source – it is a catalyst for sustainable progress. Through customized solar energy solutions, hybrid systems, high quality PV products and energy efficient appliances, we strive to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. Our initiatives do not just stop at providing energy; we are upgrading and expanding energy services for developing countries, increasing the global percentage of renewable energy and promoting access to research, technology, and investments in clean energy.

Focusing on energy access and improved power supply: SDG 9
In our dedication to SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure – we electrify villages in rural and complex settings, upgrade commercial and industrial infrastructures for better sustainability and customize solar energy solutions. Impacts reverberate through SDGs 10 (Reduced Inequalities) and 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), facilitating sustainable development in developing countries, addressing humanitarian settings and migration challenges, providing access to communication technologies and information, increasing education and business opportunities, and reducing income inequalities and rural poverty.

Asantys PURE solutions: nurturing SDGs 6 and 12
Our Asantys PURE solutions (Productive Use of Renewable Energy) stand as a testament to our commitment to SDGs 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) and 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). Through water purification, we provide accessibility to safe and affordable drinking water, improving health and living conditions. Our cooling systems enhance the cold chain, thus food preservation, reducing food loss, improving sustainable production and consumption.

Knowledge empowerment for sustainable futures: a commitment to SDG 4
Empowering individuals and communities is at the heart of our initiatives, contributing to SDG 4 – Quality Education, and indirectly impacting SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). We train engineers and technicians of partner companies, and local technicians and community at the site, always focusing on the transfer of knowledge and skills related to solar energy and empowering individuals and communities through capacity building. This commitment extends to decision-makers and other project stakeholders, ensuring a number of people with relevant skills for financial success and thus, a cascade effect of sustainable practices.

CO2 reduction by solar: answering the call of SDG 13
Our dedication to reducing CO2 emissions aligns with the urgency of SDG 13 – Climate Action. Through rural electrification with a high share of renewable energy, embracing e-mobility opportunities, and powering appliances with solar electricity, we are actively contributing to a lower carbon footprint. We work hard every day to help reducing combustion engine usage, reducing diesel consumption, reducing CO2 emissions, increasing solar energy share, and improving overall environmental impact.

In every project we undertake, these commitments are not mere checkboxes; they are the guiding principles that shape our endeavours. As we illuminate villages, empower communities, and champion clean energy, Asantys Systems is not just navigating the path to sustainable development; we are paving the way for a brighter, more equitable future.
You can watch the recording of our presentation here:
If you are interested in learning more about what we do, or inquiring for a project with us, do not hesitate to contact us at: or directly here.